Why We Don’t Do The Things That Will Bring Us The Greatest Joy

3 Steps To Have Life Go From Dull And Mundane To A Sweet Adventure
April 19, 2018
Surprise! You Already Have The Life You Always Wanted
May 3, 2018

You know that one thing, that if you accomplished or acquired it, your entire life would be fulfilled?

Yes… that one.

Maybe you already accomplished it. If that’s you, great! Congratulations!
Maybe you’re well on you way. If that’s you, fantastic, keep it up!

But if you’re like the vast majority of people according to a slew of statistics on the internet, chances are you haven’t accomplished “your thing”, whatever that thing might be.

Or maybe you don’t have a thing like that.
Maybe you did have a thing like that, but it’s been so long since you thought about it, that you can’t even recall what it was.
Maybe you’re completely resigned about it and gave up on it many years ago.
And there you are making the best of things, hoping your kids have a better chance at making it in life than you did.

Maybe you don’t even think about that thing anymore because it seems so far out of reach that you gave up on it.
Maybe it makes you sad to even think about it.
Maybe it makes you feel a little bitter about yourself for never going for it.

Maybe you know exactly what your thing is.
Maybe you think about it everyday, but you have no idea how to get the ball rolling and start moving towards it’s fruition.
Maybe you don’t think you have enough knowledge.
Maybe you don’t have enough money for it.
Maybe you don’t have connections with the right people.
Maybe you’re in too much debt.
Maybe you don’t have the right tools.
Maybe you don’t have the right skills.
Maybe you just don’t have the time.

…it’s none of those thing.

Maybe you don’t really know why you haven’t gone for that thing because you have all the resources you need or at least know where to go acquire them.
Maybe, you’ve already had to endure too much disappointment, heartbreak, and failure in the past.  

This is where I get to assert what is really going on.

The main reason you haven’t gone for it, for The thing, YOUR thing, is that once you do go for it, you will have nowhere to hide.

You see, this isn’t just some ordinary thing that you would be undertaking. It is THE Thing! And there are no guarantees of success.

There’s a chance it could fail.

And it would be ok if you failed at some other thing, like a job, or something you dabbled in, or your first born.. But not THE thing? (I hope you know what The thing is for you by now, otherwise keep looking!) It’s not ok if you fail at The thing, is it?

Because then what??

Where do you go after you fail at THE thing!?!

What are you supposed to tell the people in your life when they ask you how the thing is going?

I’ll give you another take on it. I can’t say it much better than the great Paulo Cohelo:

“We who fight for our dream, suffer far more when it doesn’t work out, because we cannot fall back on the old excuse: ‘Oh, well, I didn’t really want it anyway.’ We do want it and know that we have staked everything on it and that the path of the personal calling is no easier than any other path, except that our whole heart is in this journey.”

For some of us, if we fail at our thing, it seems like death. Or worse!

So here’s the thing (the take-away from the article thing), for as long as you resist the idea of its failure, not going for it will always seem like a better idea.

Did you get that? It’s the whole point here so I will reiterate it for emphasis:

For as long as you resist the chance of failure, not going for it will always seem like a better choice.

Justifiably so. After all, what kind of sane person would put themselves through that kind of risk?

And it’s that very fear of failure before even starting, that is stopping you. Not just any failure. Your thing’s failure.

You have to accept that there is a chance of failure, then go for it. And then win.

Here’s the good news:

Life will never be the same after you go for it. Even if you fail!

You might find that your failures are your greatest teachers.
You might find that your failure was a necessary step in order to equip yourself with the lessons that will take you to the accomplishment of your thing.
You might find that you can go for it time and time again.
Your might find that there is an even greater game to play; a greater expression of Your thing!
You will experience tremendous rapid growth in who you are.
You will discover that you are a lot more capable and competent than you ever imagined.

Regardless of how it goes, you will be better off for having gone for it. And you just might very well, with this new freedom to act in the face of the chance of failure, get your thing.

Go for it. Put it all on the line.

Go for Love. Go for Joy. Go for Fulfillment, Go for Adventure. Go for Abundance. Go for it All.

It’s worth it.

Cesar is an Entrepreneur, a Truth student, and a Lover. After 10 challenging and successful years in the career and business arena, earning a 6-figure income as a young advertising consultant, to then launching and running his own online-marketing agency, Cesar realized that financial success alone did not make for the fulfilling life he had imagined. Cesar took on one ardent inquiry: “What makes for a happy, rich, fulfilling life?” As an avid reader and a willful student, Cesar has embraced the teachings of many of the greatest mentors of our time, from Napoleon Hill to Paramahansa Yogananda, and with a passion for personal growth, he has participated across the spectrum of personal development training and traditional spiritual disciplines; From the top ranked most cutting-edge personal and professional growth, training, and development seminars to Shamanic healing ceremonies and Kriya Yoga. Through his blog, LoveIsOurNature.com Cesar is committed to sharing his findings with the world, and enable people everywhere to live a rich life beyond what they knew possible.