
I am honored to have you visit. LoveIsOurNature is a collection of thought-provoking articles and ideas that will challenge your philosophy around Love, Life, Authenticity, Relationships, and Fulfillment. In every article, we examine the conventional paradigm and take a deep exploratory look at ideas that have the potential to make a profound difference in your quality of life.
April 12, 2022

My First Akashic Records Reading – Part 2

“They are ALWAYS there. The world you see while in a plant medicine ceremony is a more real world than the world you are experiencing now. Right now your perception is limited to what you can perceive with your senses, […]
August 13, 2021

My First Akashic Records Reading

Mostly what I had heard about Akashic Records is that it was some metaphysical place in the universe that contains all knowledge from past, present, and future. As a very rational dude that glorified his own logic and ability to make sense out of things, this was a no go for me. I didn’t understand this, and since I didn’t understand it, I didn’t trust it.
February 22, 2020

Adult as a Possibility

Can you get everything that you have been telling yourself is missing from the present moment?   An adult gets everything that the inner-wounded-child has been saying is missing from the present moment. It is a childish notion to think […]
August 5, 2019

Here’s What Will Finally Get You To Create The Life Of Your Dreams

Steve Jobs used to say that every morning when he would look himself in the bathroom mirror, he would ask himself.. “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to […]
May 28, 2019

Who Am I, Really? Part 2 – Looking Back At Lessons And Victories

So who the heck are you?? In Part 1 of the series, we concluded that you are not your past struggles; the hurt, the pain, the mistakes, the disappointments, the failures. None of those things define who you are. A […]
April 14, 2019

Confessions Of A Writer Who Doesn’t Write

If I don’t do any writing, do I still get to say I am writer? Probably not. A teacher isn’t a teacher if she doesn’t teach. A guitarist isn’t a guitarist if he doesn’t play his guitar. But the truth […]
May 17, 2018

Life Is Knocking – 3 Ways To Discern What Life Is Telling You Right Now

Your good friend “Life” has been knocking on your door with an important message for you for a very long time, and you’re not answering. Have you ever taken an expedition where you tour through some really old castle, or […]
May 3, 2018

Surprise! You Already Have The Life You Always Wanted

The life that you are living right now, and everything in it, is exactly the one you wanted. Many people would argue otherwise. You might be thinking, “No way, I never wanted X, Y, or Z circumstance that is in […]
April 26, 2018

Why We Don’t Do The Things That Will Bring Us The Greatest Joy

You know that one thing, that if you accomplished or acquired it, your entire life would be fulfilled? Yes… that one. Maybe you already accomplished it. If that’s you, great! Congratulations! Maybe you’re well on you way. If that’s you, […]
April 19, 2018

3 Steps To Have Life Go From Dull And Mundane To A Sweet Adventure

If you’re like many others, you have unknowingly sabotaged your sweet appetite for life, and it has become a dull, mundane experience. You carry yourself through your day doing what you’re supposed to do and what others expect you to […]
April 12, 2018

“She’s not eating, not sleeping, and is throwing her food at the nurses.”

A Case For Love – Part. 1 “She’s not eating, not sleeping, and is throwing her food at the nurses.” That’s what I heard was happening with my dearest of friends after she had spent 3 days at a psychiatric […]
April 5, 2018

Who Am I, Really? – Part 1. A Closer Look

Where do you go look when defining who you are? Where does your identity exist? I’ll pose the question now and give you an opportunity to take notice.. WHO ARE YOU? Stop and think.. . . Who are you?… . […]
March 17, 2018

My Motivation for Love Is Our Nature

In a nutshell: Authenticity, Joy, Love, Fulfillment for everyone. I’m sure you’ve seen it too. The resignation in people’s faces. Or perhaps the loneliness. Or the feeling of being stuck, and the hopelessness that life will ever be any different. […]